During Expo Keerpunt the site of De WAR will see a number of pavilions, each with their own theme and their own programme for the duration of the expo. Do you have anything to add to the expo? Please click here. Do you thinka pavilion should be added? Contact us via info@expokeer.nl.
Open Knowledge
Open knowledge speeds up innovation and strengthens the democracy, two core values that we desperately need to fight off climate change, collapsing ecosystems and the current pandemic.
The common grounds or commons that existed in the middle ages are now mostly gone. But commons-thinking is coming back. The idea that things that should belong to everybody, for example the air, water, but also knowledge, should not be allowed to be private property.
Sociale innovation
Historically, World Expositions are strongly linked to technological innovation, but there has also been a focus on social innovation and a grassroots approach. The WAR wants to honor these traditions by giving front and center to social innovation in a grassroots way.
Do It Yourself
People had the skills to take care of themselvers jsut a few generations ago. Nowadays we are reliant on large corperations for our needs. Is this wise? At the WAR we try to give you everything you need to become selfreliant and to furter share that knowledge.
Sustainable food production
To provide an ever growing global population with healthy food is a major challenge.
At De WAR there has been much activity through the years with sustainable food production in a quest for ways to produce healthy and sustainable food locally.
The arts help us to see the world in a new light, surprise us time and again, make us see what’s important, wat’s of real value, how we want to co-exists with others. In these times this is more necessary that ever.
In a democracy decision making is a role of the people. Citizens have to cast their votes. But ithis begs the question: What are the subjects that should be voted on?
Self organisation
Before the internet, and even more so before the telephone, it was a challenge to organise a group of people for a certain cause. Now all you need is a message in the right place on the internet and you have a league of activists present. But what is needed for the more complex organising?
building and materials
Before the industrial revolution we had only local materials and technology available. Now we can do and make anything ourselves. How can we use that for building a better world?
Urban planning
The development of a city has a special dynamics. A city grows or shrinks. Changing times create changing needs, changing demands of the public space in which inhabitanst live together. How can a city make optimal use of the compentences of the people and take decisiions that are supported? Who guards the weighing of different stakes?
The signs that climate change and the destruction of ecosystems are serious are no longer to be ignored. How do we become fossil-free and biodiverse asap?
Technology driven revolutions are a contant factor in history. What new technologies are ahead and how can they help us cope with the challenges we are facing?